Upon arrival, guests say " It looks amazing". Upon departure, guests say "It was amazing"
"Discover amazing for yourself"

The CIRCA Story.
Our ambition back in 2012 was to create a luxury boutique hotel in Australia. Given our relatively limited budget, that was always going to be a daunting task, especially in the 21st century world, where the term luxury had and still does have a different meaning from region to region, country to country and generation to generation.
Since then, the significant challenges that have confronted the world have further heightened the perpetual business imperatives to constantly adapt and innovate. Beyond 2022 we will heed the words of rock icon Bruce Springsteen, to "never stray too far from the stuff you do best", and continue to develop and operate excellent hotels, but increasingly we will pursue our other passion, which is design, via our KITABISA Design company. At the end of 2023 , our new KITABISA Design Studio in Sanur in Bali is opened, which will allow us to design, produce and showcase our much acclaimed design products and style to a worldwide market, in a location that truly is at the forefront of hotel design internationally.
As well as following us on Instagram and Facebook we invite you to continue visiting us here at CIRCA 1928 in Albury and CIRCA 1936 in Corowa and soon in Bali.

CIRCA 1928
588 Dean Street , Albury NSW 2640
61 02 6082 9476 | 61 451 075 600 info@circahotels.com
Copyright © 2024 Circa Hotels, All rights reserved